Cindy Kane "Wing to Wing" - September 2016
New Paintings by Cindy Kane
OPENING RECEPTION September 9th 6-8pm
On view through October 5th
Cross MacKenzie Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings by American artist Cindy Kane. “Wing to Wing,” Kane’s second solo show with Cross MacKenzie, showcases her recent work on birds and butterflies, which was born of her increasing concern for our deteriorating environment and the danger posed to the avian creatures that inhabit it. She illustrates these animals with an almost scientific naturalism that not only reveals spectacular detail, but also celebrates diversity of species. Hundreds of birds don’t lie flat on the canvas, but seem to move in every direction at once. Through her complex arrangements and patterns, Kane breathes real vivacity into these representations of life. As is typical of Kane’s work, each painting in the group is tied to the rest by continuity of motif, message and bold color.
Also characteristic of Kane’s work, the innocent and familiar theme, the bird, is complicated by an unnerving undertone of conflict. Kane describes cheery, lifelike birds, vibrant in color and movement as they flit, fly and perch across the canvases. And yet, one is provoked into the realization that these animals are threatened. Presented in the hundreds, the horde forces viewers to reflect on the dwindling numbers of the world’s birds as ecosystems deteriorate. Kane juxtaposes these creatures against man-made backgrounds to speak out against the role that human interaction has played in their environments. Her earlier series collaged the birds over the actual written works by journalists reporting on the news of the day.
Kane’s work is informed by her deep interest in politics, current affairs and issues of the environment—a product of her upbringing in Vietnam-era Washington, D.C. This interest in nature has been further inspired by her experiences working at Yosemite National Park and the Grand Canyon, and living in the lush nature of Martha’s Vineyard. There, she has become an avid bird watcher and documenter of bird behavior particularly the recent island visits of the snowy owl.
Kane has been exhibited widely in the United States and has works in multiple private and public collections. She is also shown abroad in the U.S. Embassies in Tijuana, Mexico and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In July 2016, Kane put on a one-day exhibition at Martha’s Vineyard Museum’s Marine Hospital entitled, “Empty Skies,” in which she reflected on the extinction of various songbird species.
Press for the show can be found in The Washington Post and the Washington City Paper.